Jared Harél’s most recent poetry collection, Let Our Bodies Change the Subject, was selected by Kwame Dawes as the Winner of the Prairie Schooner Raz/Shumaker Book Prize in Poetry (University of Nebraska Press, 2023) and has been named a Finalist for the 2024 Paterson Poetry Prize and National Jewish Book Awards. Awarded the Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize from American Poetry Review, the William Matthews Poetry Prize from Asheville Poetry Review, and two Artist Grants from Queens Council on the Arts, Jared’s poems have recently appeared in such journals as 32 Poems, Beloit Poetry Journal, Electric Literature, Lit Hub, Ploughshares, Poem-a-Day, Poetry Daily, Smartish Pace, Southern Review and The SUN. Jared teaches writing, plays drums, and lives with his family in Westchester, NY. Follow him on Instagram: @jaredharel
Contact Info + Signed Books: Jared is available for poetry readings, campus visits, workshops, book-group discussions and poetry editing/consultations. For personalized/signed copies of Jared’s books ($18 – shipping included,) feel free to email him at: jaredharel@gmail.com
For Review Copies or Desk Copies of Let Our Bodies Change the Subject, please visit: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/booksellers/
Author portrait: Ilan Harél